Sailor V

[EVENT] Boba Horror Picture Show Watch Together

On Halloween night, October 31st. Help us figure out a timezone.

The event will be on the Discord, which you're always welcome to ask for, unless people have other proposals for better platforms.

»Let's do the time warp for the first time
»Cause this is our first Halloween

Ok so, we're doing this in two parts so everyone who RSVP'd has a chance to make it:

Saturday October 31st, 1PM PST

Boba watches Rocky Horror Picture Show


Saturday October 31st, 3PM PST

Boba watches Shock Treatment, the way-less-famous-but-apparently-wild sequel

For your timezone-converting needs:


We'll hold the event on Discord. To get access, just contact the webmaster through whatever avenue you know her from, or the anonymous feedback form up top (leaving a way for her to contact you).

See you then!