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Boba's Most Iconic Uke Pageant

published: about 4 years ago
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Linhardt von Hevring, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
<3<3<3<3 too sleepy to be a seme
Also good choice on images, that S rank pic always makes my heart melt
love that smart sassy sleepy ukeRight? It might just be that I have the same sleep personality, but also that picture is weirdly hot.
The real question is, is Lin a starfish in bed?I've seen art of him sleeping anywhere and everywhere like a liquid cat so yes. I personally see him as adhd with the delayed sleep and other various things
because samebut he seems to handle it really well and unapologetically.Man, I got similar shit with my autism, so I feel that. And his long research binges absolutely scream hyperfocus. I love Lin.
Oh hell yeah and his whole things with crests. Lin so great. I want both Byleth and Dorothea to have their way with him cause I couldn't decide between the two my first run
One day maybe FE can give us legit polyships in game.
That would be so beautiful